Pups 'n Ladders

Pups 'n Ladders

This was a fun project with a lot of moving parts. I had to work within the established style guide but break it just enough to make it stand out on shelf. The logo is mine; the illustration was done by a Paw Patrol certified artist under my art direction and following my sketches.

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Original Line Concepts

Original Line Concepts

A standard base-line product series, here envisioned in both can and carton form, designed to keep with the architecture of the more advanced formulas. The bold color choice was after substantial research showed that the products most likely to occupy neighboring shelf space were white.

Illuma Farm Concept

Illuma Farm Concept

Another new branch in the Ultra-Premium line is a series of containers boasting farm-sourced ingredients. The challenge here was to create a container with metallic areas, some of which were flat and others finished with a shiny varnish.

Group Sounds CD Cover

Group Sounds CD Cover

This is the exploded CD cover for a retro-style album of Japanese group sounds done for Tokyo No Records. The style needed to convey a 60's/70's era feel while not directly representing the musical style of any one band featured on the recording.

Group sounds CD booklet

Group sounds CD booklet

This is the liner booklet that accompanied the CD from the previous slide. Each page featured a different band and the design reflected each band's musical style.

Montgomery Publishing Travel Page

Montgomery Publishing Travel Page

The travel section of the newspaper was always an interesting space where I could play with composition and layering. This page was full of life and texture and captured the excitement it was intended to convey.